Some character options are great, while other are basically garbage. But now there are some that are literally garbage.
That’s right, for the first time ever you can now play as a literal pile of garbage with Exotic Races: Sentient Piles of Animate Garbage!
But why would you want to play as a sentient pile of animate garbage? Well there’s lots of reasons!
- Challenge Conventions: Dashing elves, gruff dwarves, and fearsome orks are fine and all. But wouldn’t you like to try something different, something exciting, something unheard of?
- Challenge Yourself: A good player should be able to adapt to any role. Do you really want to play another elven archer? Why not test your role-playing skills with something outside your comfort zone?
- Just Accept It: Let’s be honest, you’ve probably already played characters that were figurative piles of garbage. Why not just embrace it?
Well, now that that’s settled. Inside you’ll find rules for playing as a sentient pile of animate garbage, plus 3 new garbage feats and 4 new garbage spells for all your garbage characters—or ones who just like garbage.
So what are you waiting for, an invitation? Oh yes, how rude of me. Please enjoy Exotic Races: Sentient Piles of Animate Garbage!
And for this week only, it’s available for whatever you want to pay for it, to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Dungeonous Octopus line.